Welcome to The Mustard Seed Montessori Playroom

Address: 11393 Mt. Angel Gervais Road NE, Mt. Angel OR 97362

Contact: Carol Jooste     (503) 449-9555       TheMustardSeedPlayroom@gmail.com

School Hours: Monday to Friday , 9am- 3pm.

School starts on Monday , September 9th.

Philosophy and Discipline Policy: We will treat each child with respect and affection. We will model the behavior we want to see in the children, and set a good example. We will set boundaries that are reasonable, clearly stated , and consistently followed. We will look for opportunities to praise and encourage good behavior, while attempting to redirect children before a problem occurs.

Our goal is to help each child develop as a happy, respectful, and well-adjusted individual, who can control their own behavior, and take responsibility for their own actions. We want to support them in work and play, sharing and caring for each other, solving problems, and handling their emotions and frustrations in an acceptable manner. We believe every child is capable of this love and respect for each other, and for the world around them.

Tuition and Fees:

Programs are paid monthly during the school year, 10 months from September to June.

3 Days/Week $560/month

4 Days/Week $740/ month

5 Days/Week $920/ month

Drop In Rate $45/Day/child

Daily Schedule:

9AM: Drop off. Greet and welcome children. Work period begins. Children are engaged in independent work, lessons with guide, and group activities.

10:30AM: Snack is served. Children may choose to sit and eat at their own convenience during this time period.

11:00AM: Outside playtime, nature walks, etc.

12:30PM: Lunch and story time.

1:30-3PM : Independent work, reading, arts and crafts. Indoor or outdoor play. Nap time for those that need it.

3PM Pick up time.

What to bring:

Clothing: Please send your child in weather appropriate clothing that is comfortable for work and play, indoors and outdoors. Please provide at least one complete change of clothes (top, bottoms, underwear and socks) and a waterproof bag, to be kept in your child’s cubby. A raincoat and rain boots are essentials, to be kept at school for daily use. Each child should have a backpack to carry their things to and from school.

Lunch: The children will enjoy lunch together at the end of the school morning. It is a wonderful time to practice conversation and social graces. Please pack a healthy, well balanced lunch for your child.

Snacks: A healthy snack and drinking water is provided daily for children to choose as they need, throughout the morning. All contributions to the snack table will be greatly appreciated. Some ideas include: fruit and berries, vegetables, crackers, cheese, nuts, etc. Please ensure that your application includes a list of allergies, food preferences, or restrictions that your child may have.


Please keep your child home when they are sick. Children should not be at school if they have any sign of illness, fever or are taking medication. Children who become ill at school will be sent home. In an extreme medical emergency your child will be taken to the nearest medical facility for treatment.